Geschrieben von Tina am 27. Januar 2017
Success in a row – 3rd „Tandem“ meeting between the Languages Centre of the Hochschule Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences and the Studienkolleg
„Tandem“ meetings between students of the University of Applied Sciences and the Studienkolleg have become a welcome opportuny and regular exercise to come into direct contact with young people of varying cultural backgrounds.
During the WS 2016/17 students of GUS, who are currently studying English as a foreign language as part of health and social care, and students of the Studienkolleg (G-Kurs) met up not only to discuss the similarities and differences between the University of Applied Sciences and the Studienkolleg (e.g. types of assessment, requirements, work load etc.), but also the healthcare system and issues related to addiction and violence in Germany and abroad.
The participating American, Chinese, German, Indonesian, South Korean, Ukranian and Vietnamese students greatly appreciated the one-to-one chance to interact in a foreign language and to examine and compare matters of health and social care.
(von: Alexandra Aberle)